The True Reason
Easter can sometimes feel like Christmas in the sense that it's gone commercial. We often associate Easter with the Easter Bunny, egg hunts, and receiving candy. All of those things can be fun to participate in, however, we must remember the true reason we celebrate Easter. The eternal hope we can trust in because of the sacrifice Jesus made. The genuine magnitude of the atonement He made for our sins. So while this list does encompass some of the fun things associated with the holiday, we hope you appreciate some of the impactful activities surrounding Easter.
1. Do an Easter craft
There are plenty of things to do when it comes to crafting for an Easter theme. Bookmarks, coloring your own posters, or simply coloring in a coloring book can be so much fun to do with your kiddos. By incorporating the themes of the Cross and Easter icons like eggs and the Easter Bunny, it opens the door for the important discussion with your littles about the true reason for Easter, the Resurrection.
2. Attend church together
This should be a given. Easter is the ultimate celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus. We attend church every Sunday but Easter Service is always so special. It's a yearly reminder of the sacrifice Jesus made for all of our sins. Why we have such a hope in our eternal dwelling. If you're not a churchgoer and you've always been curious about wanting to go, Easter is the perfect time to start.
3. Decorate Easter Eggs
Decorating Easter Eggs may be the most quintessential thing associated with the secular things of Easter. I remember being a kid and always decorating Easter Eggs with my mom and dad. My sister and I would also decorate them with my grandpa. We had so much fun and we treasure so many memories from these times. We used to use the old dye kits with vinegar but there are so many ways to decorate Easter Eggs. Check out some of them here!
4. Make Easter Cookies
Growing up, my mom always made Easter Cookies. Sometimes they were the old cut-and-bake sugar cookies, sometimes she made them homemade. It honestly didn't matter what kind they were. We had fun helping her and had even more fun eating them. Take the time to make the cookies with your kids. I guarantee you it will contribute to a lifetime of memories.
5. Splurge on a new Easter outfit
I don't have a lot of memories of picking out my own Easter outfits, however, there are plenty of pictures that show my mom had fun picking them out. Back then it was all about frilly dresses, matching hats, and white lacey socks. While fashion has evolved, the feelings and memories that come with a fun new outfit are unmatched. Here are some super cute ideas for family outfits!
6. Take family pictures in your new outfits
As you can see from the above picture, we always took Easter photos in our new dresses at church. We never took family photos for Easter when I was a kid. We did take them once a year for our local newspaper but that is it. Michael and I have aspirations to take family pictures several times throughout the year. We want to have physical representations of the memories we'll make in this life.
7. Jelly Bean Prayer
This one is really great if you have small children. The colors of the jellybeans tell the story of the Gospel. From the red one representing the washing away of sin to the white showing a cleansed heart, this pack of beans really opens the doors for a discussion about the Resurrection in a way that kids can understand.
8. Play Easter games
Whether it's Easter Bingo, Pin the Tail on the Easter Bunny, or some other type of game, take the time to have fun with your kids during the Easter time. While the most important part of Easter is obviously the Resurrection of Jesus, it is also a time to spend with family, enjoying each other's company, and having FUN!
9. Go for an Easter Egg Hunt
Besides going to church, having an Easter Egg Hunt is an integral part of the Easter Celebration. When we were kids we had several hunts over the Easter weekend. Then, when I was a teenager I helped put on our town's hunt as part of our school volunteer program. It was really fulfilling to be on the other side of it and see the joy on all the children's faces. I can't wait for Easter this year to be able to orchestrate an Easter Egg hunt for MJ!
10. Easter Devotional
It's important to set aside time each day to spend learning about the Bible and Jesus. With this devotional, every member of the family can be part of the experience. There's a new passage to read every day in this 30-day devotional. Also included are questions to ponder, a prayer, and a journaling space to jot down what you have learned. It incorporates both the Old and New Testament to celebrate the gift that Jesus gave us.
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