Truly Must-Have?
Are lists like this ever really must-haves? For me, I can honestly say yes! I exclusively pumped from 2022-2023 and 2024-2025. I had two successful journeys and for that, I am very thankful. If you need a guide to get started with exclusively pumping, check out ours here!
This list of items, in no particular order, are things I used EVERY DAY while exclusively pumping. Some of them I didn't discover until my second journey but they are things I absolutely would not give up when exclusively pumping. Before reading on, extra pump sets are not listed because this is a given. I had 4 sets of parts and it made life so much easier. Please, for your sanity, get at least one extra set of parts! Ok, onto the list!
1. A Great Pumping Bag
Throughout my two exclusively pumping journeys, I ended up rotating through 3 awesome bags. The Mimi and Pal Radley 2.0, the Mimi and Pal Ren, and the Sarah Wells Allie bags served me well during my journeys.
- The Radley 2.0 was my go-to bag when I returned to work or anytime I was out of the house for more than 2 pumps. (Use code EMILYBRUCKS10 for 10% off). I utilized this bag's full potential and packed it full. In the bottom compartment, I could fit my Super Genie, pump chargers, 2 full sets of pump parts, and a packing cube that held baby wipes, a portable bottle brush kit, sunflower lecithin, and deodorant. In the top compartment, I could fit another set of pump parts, my Genie Advanced, the Baby Buddha, La Vie Massagers, socks, pump spray, pumping mat, and a spare bra. On the sides, I could fit my HydroJug on one side and my Ceres Chill on the other.
- The Mimi and Pal Ren was my favorite bag when I needed to be out of the house for 2 pumps. I didn't have this bag until my second journey, but I used it a lot. I could fit 2 full sets of pump parts, my Genie Advanced, pump charger, breast massagers, socks, pump spray, pumping bra, and 4 5 oz Medela storage bottles.
- The Sarah Wells Allie bag was my choice when I needed to be gone for one pumping session. I could fit one set of pump parts, my Genie Advanced, socks, and pumping spray. I always paired this bag with my Ceres Chill.
2. Coconut Oil in a Spray Bottle
I know a lot of moms will choose to use a branded pump spray, but I liked to make my own, simple version. It was just fractionated coconut oil in a small spray bottle. I kept one in my pump bag, on my pump cart, in the car, and at work. I never pumped without coconut oil as a lubricant and keeping bottles everywhere helped ensure I always had it available. If you're exclusively pumping, you can't risk tissue damage that may hinder your journey.
3. Pumping Bra
Between my two exclusively pumping journeys, I've tried a LOT of bras. Like, a lot. The following bras are the ones that have become my favorites!
- Sarah Wells Journey Bra. This is my overall favorite pump bra. It is really great for anyone who has a smaller bust and bigger ribs (or backfat). I've ALWAYS struggled with small boobs and a lot of backfat so bras are usually too tight in the band and way too big in the cups. If this isn't your situation, you may need to size down.
- Kindred Bravely. This one is my favorite for the MOTN pump. Because this one has no clips, it makes it easy to slip in the flanges and pump when you're too tired to think.
- Davin and Adley Amelia. These are really great for the Pumpables Liquid Kit. These are also good to layer under clothing as they can pass as a cute camisole. (Use code Emily10off for a discount)
- Bravado clip-on pump bra. I really like this when I don't want to wear a pumping bra all day. I usually only use this one when I'm at home as clipping it on at work or being out and about is a bit difficult. Not that I haven't done it, it's just not my preferred set up if I'm not home.
4. Breast Massagers
I only used one brand through both of my journeys. The LaVie Massagers provide heat and vibration and always help me empty. When I transitioned away from my Spectra pump, it was hard for me to have a letdown without vibration. These massagers made switching pumps much easier. The heat setting was nice to prompt milk flow. I used these during every single pump session.
5. Socks
I know what you're thinking. Socks? Really? Yes! I used a pair of socks every time I pumped. I learned the hard way that a letdown cannot happen without oxytocin. Oxytocin and Cortisol (the stress hormone) cannot be released at the same time. If you're stressing and worrying about the amount you're pumping, you can't have a good letdown. Covering the bottles of milk with a pair of socks took the stress away of looking at how much I had pumped and allowed me to decrease my stress when pumping.
6. Freeze It Flats
These are going to be your best friend if you're building a freezer stash. If having a large freezer stash is not part of your goals, you may not need these. However, if you need to maximize your freezer space during your pumping journey, these Freeze It Flats are amazing. They envelope your milk bags and allow them to freeze flat, without any wasted space. Using these I can get 72 ounces in a milk brick! Check out our guide to freezing milk coming soon!
7. Bottle Stands
If you've ever had the misfortune of spilling milk when your flange tips over, then you'll love these. (Use code EMILYT_ for 10% off). I used bottle stands as a safety net when removing my flanges before pouring my milk. I used Pumpin Pal's flanges and they were extremely top-heavy. After spilling milk one time, I started using these and have never spilled since. There are a couple of brands out there, depending on the bottle, but I always used Pumpables brand bottles and stands.
8. Packing Cubes
I loved these while pumping. I kept one in the bottom of my pump bag that held baby wipes, a portable bottle brush kit, feminine products (just in case), deodorant, and lotion. The small size was used to pack my LaVie massagers in. For my first journey, I also was able to pack my Baby Buddha pump and tubing in one of the small-sized cubes. It made packing the pump a lot easier. These are so great to keep your pump bag organized!
9. Pitchers
If you're going to utilize the pitcher method, you obviously need pitchers. A lot of moms go for the Dr. Brown's pitcher or the glass ones with pour spouts. For me, I found that the Dr. Brown's pitchers didn't fully incorporate the fat from the milk before pouring. I didn't like the idea of glass jars for the simple fact that if you dropped them you had a major mess and lost all of your milk. The pitchers I used had airtight lids, were easy to shake to incorporate the fat back, and made for simple pouring. The red-lidded pitchers were used for my first journey. I used the other pitcher for my second journey when my supply was a bit more robust. I had 4 sets of pitchers that I rotated through so I wasn't always having to wash them.
10. Pump Cart
This pump cart sat in my living room for a total of 28 months during both of my journeys. I kept all of my pumping essentials on it, including my pumps, accessories, and snacks. It was so easy to keep next to the couch but have the ability to roll it where I needed without having to move every little thing on its own. I used little organizers to help keep the tubing, snacks, pump spray, and socks organized so it didn't become a disheveled mess. Having a cart is seriously a lifesaver when it comes to organizing your pump area.
11. Ceres Chill
The Ceres Chill was one of my splurge purchases during my first journey and I used it throughout both of my EP journeys. This milk chiller is AMAZING! You can use it two ways, storing milk in the inner or outer chamber. Some moms also use it to store hot water and use it as a bottle warmer, although I never did. I used this every day at work to store my milk and anytime we were out of the house. You just fill one chamber with ice and the other with milk. The larger size can fit up to 24 ounces of milk and the smaller one can fit up to 16 ounces. They can keep your milk cold for 16 to 20 hours!
12. Pumping Shirts
I wore one of these EVERY. SINGLE. DAY! It made pumping so much easier knowing I didn't have to change my clothes to pump. They are very modest and make pumping in front of people a lot more comfortable. These shirts allowed me to pump in public and not have to be stuck inside the house all day. There are a lot of brands out there but these were my absolute faves.
13. Pumping Fanny Pack
The Mimi and Pal Harper bag (use code EMILYBRUCKS10 for 10% off) is an absolute game-changer for on-the-go pumping. With holes in the sides for tubing, this bag makes it easy to pop your portable pump into and complete all your tasks, all while pumping. The cool thing about this bag is that it comes in two sizes, making it extremely versatile, depending on your portable pump. Once I was done pumping, I utilized their cross-body strap and made it my everyday purse.
14. Cooler with Ice Pack
If you want a different option than the Ceres Chill for packing milk, this one is second to none. I utilized this a lot during my first journey and some in my second journey. This particular cooler is taller than most on the market and can fit 8 oz bottles, both the Dr. Brown and Medela brands. I like the Medela ice pack better than the Sarah Wells one, although it is a great ice pack as well.
15. Portable Bottle Brush Kit/Collapsable Bin
I did not find these until my second journey and boy, do I wish I would've had them during my first. I pumped a lot on the go and did my fair share of washing parts in gas station bathrooms. I had a makeshift kit in my pump bag but it wasn't nearly as convenient as this all-in-one kit and bin! If you know you're going to be washing pump parts outside of the house, these are a must!
16. Water Bottle
The thirst that came with pumping was something I was not prepared for. I was ALWAYS thirsty. I had several water bottles that I would cycle through but my favorite one was the Hydrojug. I loved the spill-proof feature and that it fit in my pumping bag. The large capacity meant I only had to fill it up a couple of times a day to meet my goal.
17. Vibration Alarm
If you're doing a middle-of-the-night pump, you know the perils of possibly waking up your baby or partner when your alarm blares in the night. I didn't have this until my second journey and during the first one, I inadvertently woke up my husband several times. With this vibration watch, I was able to wake up quietly and allow him to sleep. Mack, our second born, started sleeping through the night at around 8 weeks and I kept my MOTN pump until 6 months post-partum so this was nice to have to reduce the risk of waking him up. The sweatband design made it more comfortable to sleep in than a rigid watch band.
18. Drying Rack
I got this idea from one of my amazing pumping groups on Facebook and I've never looked back! We were fortunate to find this during the beginning of our first journey. We had it in storage during our second pregnancy and brought it back for my second exclusively pumping journey. This thing is amazing and it holds so many pumping and bottle parts. It's got vertical height so it doesn't take up as much counter space as if it were laid out horizontally. We have a VERY small house so anytime we can save space is a win for us.
19. Wet/Dry Bags
I used these bags anytime I traveled with pump parts. I would keep my flanges partially assembled in these bags and I packed several sets anytime I had to leave the house. The nice thing was putting the dirty parts back into the bags and being able to wipe the inside clean when I got home.
20. Snacks
The hunger that came with breastfeeding was something I had never experienced before. I was hungry ALL. THE. TIME. I ate these foods most days because they were tasty, as well as being galactagogues, or supply boosters. Most of the evidence around the effectiveness of these types of foods is purely anecdotal, but I can honestly say that Oreos always gave me extra milk. I also made lactation cookies weekly. Keep an eye out for the recipe!
Final Thoughts!
Exclusively pumping is hard enough! Take advantage of some of these items to lighten the load. They really did help me extend both of my journeys to a full year. I couldn't have gone as long as I did without some of these game-changers! Happy Pumping!
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